Nicole's Art Box
Home Page

That's right! The Box has officially moved to a better place. This Site is officially dead. No more updates!
If you want anything remotely newish, scroll down and go to the Box's new home.
I never liked the 50megs set up. It's taken me a *long* time, but I finally found a place that does what I want and is still *free*.

The new home for the Box
Yes, this is it! This is where I've moved! If you've been with me from the beginning, you'll see two old faces returning. My wuvy wittle Kioko and Jomei! Go to the new site! See it, and hopefully enjoy it. O_o
New Box's Home! Click Here!

The Link to the new Site doesn't work?
On the off chance that the link to the new site does not work, please e-mail me at, I'll send you a link that *should work*. For those of you who know me, just e-mail me at my regular addy (I'll respond quicker).